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Story of finding love with online dating app iUV

I met the love of my life on iUV, completely by accident, when neither of us were looking. He was living in Australia and I was living in the US.

It started off like any of my online friendships (I value those as much as in-person friendships).We started talking a little over anonymous cell phone calls app iUV, nothing flirty or anything like that, just sort of joking around. You know how you have your "meme friends" on the internet? It was kind of like that.

When we began having actual conversations, we added each other on our wish-list so we could talk more. I was actually dating someone at my university at the time, whom I had been with for shy of 7 months (but nothing too serious), and we were going through a bit of a rough patch so I would go to this friend for advice every now and then.

There were no ulterior motives involved, he gave me very objective advice, nothing manipulative. It wasn't at all like he was trying to make me leave my boyfriend so he could get to me. What would be realistic about that anyway? We were 10,000 miles across the ocean from each other after all.

This person and I became very good friends and we ended up speaking on online dating phone call app iUV daily. We shared stories about living with our mental illnesses (my depression and social anxiety, and his bipolar), past heartbreaks, pretty much anything and everything, but always appropriate. One day when we were both bored we decided to chat over a Skype call. That was a bit of a turning point for me.

As much as I can't stand clichés, the only way to describe this virtual face-to-face meeting is that it was magical. Again, we weren't speaking about anything special, but suddenly there was a unique connection between us that I can't describe any other way. Much like the rest of the universe stopped, went silent, and it was just the two of us talking. It was apparent in his eyes and his body language that the feeling was mutual. This dear friend of mine was something special that I had never found in another person. But neither of us uttered a word about this.

From that point onwards, we spoke on Skype and iUV at least once a day. It wasn't a secret from my boyfriend, he was quite used to me having online friendships as well as a majority of male friends. But change was looming in the air and I knew there was no avoiding it.

One day down the line, with slight reservation, this friend laid all his cards on the table. He confessed to how he had come to feel about me, albeit knowing it was wrong, and his words mirrored my own thoughts. To his incredulity, I admitted that.

To put into perspective how sure I was about this person, I broke up with my boyfriend. The iUV friendship immediately blossomed into much more than that. We talked on random free international calls online app iUV every moment of the day when neither of us had obligations such as work. But during meals, watching TV, hanging out with friends at home, and cleaning the house, making phone calls; we were on iUV together through all of that.

We would fall asleep together on iUV and wake up the next day to each other’s' voices every single day (he was on a normal sleeping schedule for his time zone, but I already had a habit of staying up till 4AM and sleeping into the afternoon, so we were matched up perfectly). I obtained a US passport, expedited the process, got myself a Work and Holiday Australian visa, and a one-way plane ticket. I snuck out of my house at 5 in the morning and made it to Australia 30 hours later. We met up, moved in together, and nothing has been more perfect. 9 months after meeting in person, he proposed to me and we are now engaged.

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